Friday 3 December 2021

Here is my work on Checking Authenticity challenge 30!

This is the toi toi challenge iv'e done Called Tornado

Toitoi Form completion Certificate Term 48.png
In room 10 we have been doing PWC challenges This story is about a single tornado that can 
devour anything in its way The author described many things about the tornado like how it
twist like a slinky spinning in the sky and the Crack! Crash! Swish! Twirl! Thanks for reading.

Words by Keelan Marr, age 9 |
Picture by Leo McLachlan, age 11

Friday 19 November 2021

 Should we have school uniforms? 

There are many reasons why we should and should not have uniforms. Firstly school uniforms are used to represent your school, and for people to know what school you attend . Others can misunderstand you  when you are not wearing a uniform. School uniforms can also be dangerous if you have social media such as tiktok , snapchat EXT. Our answer is yes because when wearing uniform it will feel like we are an actual school

Our answer is yes because by wearing the same uniform students would feel more included and comfortable around the school. Wearing a uniform will help improve students' self esteem and be more confident. As a school we should look more professional by wearing school uniforms. Uniforms are one of the reasons we can call school a school. 

 The question is should we have school uniforms is really something to think about but It is clear that school uniforms make the school feel like more of a school and are more comfortable for the students. Of course uniforms can sometimes be expensive, then people can't afford them, but school uniforms are really important. 

School uniforms have many advantages and disadvantages. Besides, uniforms help people be more confident and pleasant in themselves. For example, if there is a meeting and you are required to connect with students from different schools wearing school uniforms wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Furthermore, students who are wearing uniforms also feel satisfied with their school. Wearing school uniforms helps the student feel more positive about themselves and they participate in more activities voluntarily with high efforts to demonstrate that their school is good. Uniforms are not only to help students be unique from other people, to be more beautiful, but also to make them feel equal to other students.

Furthermore, they can be proud of their current school if they are recognized by a lot of people. Uniforms can keep students safe because people know where they belong, especially on school trips,  plus parents won’t have to spend a lot of money on designer clothes. The reason uniforms should remain is because it brings a lot of advantages to students. School uniforms promote a sense of belonging.

To conclude this argument, as long as you keep your uniform tidy and safe everything will be okay. 


Monday 20 September 2021

In room 10 we are learning to make compost in school

 In room 10 we are learning to make compost in school

Why is it important to create a food growing area in your school?

To have a composting system in your school

How does composting help the environment and the community?

Composting Provides a useful way for teachers and catering staff to explore educational opportunities

Thursday 8 July 2021

How to make a rain gauge

 How to make a rain gauge 

1.    empty 1.5 liters plastic bottle 

2.   Then scissors 

3.   A few handfuls of pebbles , gravel or marbles 

4.   You need masking tape

5.   You need a ruler

6.   permanent marker


Cut around the top of the bottle just before it begins to narrow. 

 Put the top pierce of the bottle to the side. #

Place the pebbles, gravel or marbles into the bottom piece of the bottle. 

 Take the top pierce of the bottle, turn it upside down and place it inside the bottom pierce of the bottle. Make sure there is no cap attached. 

 Line up the cut edges and tape them together so the top piece is held firmly in place. 

Cut enough tape to run from the top of the bottle to the bottle and stick it down. 

Line up the ruler against the tape and draw a small mark just above the pebbles. This will be a measurement . 

 Continue marking in mm or cm measurements up the side of the tape. 

Place the bottle on a level surface and pour water through the top until it reaches zero. 

Your rain gauge is ready to measure rainfall: 

Find a location outdoors that is open to the sky but not in a wind prone area. 

Monitor tour rain gauge on a daily basis as evaporation will occur. Top up with water if needed . 

Friday 25 June 2021

In Room 10 we have been writing paragraphs about Get you game on

 Get your game on

I woke up excited for the day ahead of me . Because it was get you game on. We usually do it once a term because it's part of our school program.When I arrived at school I was getting ready to go class.Eventually I got inside of class and saw everyone doing their work. After doing work the bell rang for me and my classmates went to go and play. Soon after playing for a few minutes me and my friends went back inside and had our morning tea,So then we went onto the courts.

Eventually while we were waiting we started counting down from ten to one once we finished counting all of the classes that had already come to the courts. After that Mrs Raj, our deputy principal, came and briefed us on our games. I was so excited.Our First game we played was called Lape. It was a samoan game . The Rule of this game is simple:

 it's basically like soft ball but you use your hand to hit the ball.When it was my turn I hit the ball and it went upward but someone catched it from the other side i was determined to try again so when it was my turn again i hit the ball sideways this time and ran my fastest to the four bases and I made but I tripped and hit my knee on the concrete .

The next game we went to was called Rob the nest.The rules are simple there are cones in the middle of the square and we each had to go and pick a cone and bring it back to the homebase once the cones were finished in the middle we had to go to the opposing team and take one cone at a time that’s why it’s called rob the nest.But you had to skip to get to the opposing team cones. When It was my turn I had to skip and I got 1 cone and brought it back to the homebase.

Our last game was a silent ball. I'm pretty sure you're familiar with this game .The rules are you have to sit in a circle while passing A ball around without making any noise . I was seated next to my friends Andronicus and Zion I bet they were the best at the silent ball. When it was my turn I threw the ball to Ezra and he caught it but he talked so he was out. 

When the game was over all of the classes came back to the courts to finish the game.When the game was finished Mrs Raj never announced who was the winner so i guess we will never know.


Monday 21 June 2021

Today . we have been learning about stem and leaf graph.After working with our teacher we created a stem and leaf .Here is an example of what we did


Wednesday 9 June 2021

Recount: My brothers Birthday

 First thing in the morning I woke up excited for the day that's ahead of me . Because it was my brother's birthday, He turned 15 today!!!!

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. Then my mum told me to get ready to go to buy my brother's cake for his birthday. When we arrived there we got the Trisamu cake. It's a coffee cake. When we got back home we set up the food and the cake and then when he came we surprised him with a lot of food,cake and chocolate bars.

He was so surprised and happy then we ate the delicious food.Once we finished the food it was desert time some of my brothers didn’t want to eat dessert because they were full but I ate dessert .We had the cake and icecream it was so so delicious

It satisfied my taste buds as I ate one spoon of cake.After we ate we watched 3 whole movies .The movies we watched were king kong vs godzilla , croods 2 and soul my favorite movie was king kong vs godzilla because there we the 2 big beast which was them But after the mecha godzilla came kong and the real godzilla had to work together to fight him off.

Then after the movie night we went straight to sleep .

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Tuesday 16 February 2021